

Immediate Boost to Hair Health – Feel Your Hair Come Back to Life from Root to Tip

Results can vary, as each person’s hair is unique. Some people may see results faster, while others may need to use it longer. We’re confident you’ll be happy with the results, but if you’re not fully satisfied, we offer a 90-day trial. You can easily return it for a full refund if it doesn't meet your expectations.

Rosemary Natural Hair Growth Oil

Promote healthier, thicker hair with powerful natural oils. It’s a gentle yet powerful way to support natural hair growth and revive your roots. This Natural Hair Growth Oil is a blend of castor, rosemary, and avocado oils that deeply nourish yo... Read more...

February 20
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February 26
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Confidently Try It for 90 Days, or Receive a Complete Refund


1 x 30ml Natural Rosemary Batana Hair Oil

Main Ingredients:

  • Rosemary Leaf Oil: Stimulates scalp circulation, promoting stronger hair growth and shine.
  • Castor Seed Oil: Nourishes and strengthens hair, enhancing thickness and reducing breakage.
  • Argan Oil: Hydrates and smooths hair, reducing frizz and adding shine.
  • Batana Oil: Known for repairing damaged hair and restoring natural softness and shine.
  • Coconut Oil: Moisturizes scalp and hair, protecting against dryness and breakage.
  • Coffee Seed Oil: Promotes hair growth and strengthens roots.
  • Avocado Oil: Rich in nutrients that support hair strength and hydration.
  • Parsley Seed Oil: Supports healthy scalp conditions and soothes irritation.

  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.
  • Not satisfied? Don't pay.
  • Pay after 30 days with Klarna.


Experience Stronger Roots and Less Hair Fall – Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, nourishing hair follicles and reducing breakage from the first use.

Rehydrate Dry, Brittle Hair – Batana oil deeply penetrates the hair shaft, restoring essential moisture, and leaving hair feeling soft and resilient against daily styling.

Protect Hair from Environmental Damage – Jojoba oil acts as a natural barrier against pollution and UV exposure, keeping hair strong and preventing further damage.

Get a Natural Shine That Lasts All Day – Castor oil adds a healthy, non-greasy shine to dull strands, making your hair look vibrant and well-nourished after each application.

Rosemary Leaf Oil

Batana Oil

Nourishes and strengthens hair, enhancing thickness and reducing breakage.

Known for repairing damaged hair and restoring natural softness and shine

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We work together with: Stripe, Paypal, iDeal, Bancontact, Klarna, Giropay, Apple pay, Sofort and Credit cards. However, these payment options are not available in every region or device, you will always be presented with a custom-selected option that is valid in your specific region or device.

Ano, s Klarnou můžete zaplatit až o 30 dní později. Klarna bere transakci zcela do svých rukou. Mají přísnou prověrku, která určuje, zda je návštěvník vhodný k následnému zaplacení. Takže to, zda máte přístup do Klarny nebo ne, je mimo naši kontrolu. Pokud konkrétně nemůžete tuto funkci používat, Klarna vás upozorní. Vždy můžete okamžitě zaplatit pomocí jiných platebních možností. Častí uživatelé Klarna vždy získají souhlas.


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Vždy od nás obdržíte potvrzovací e-mail.Váš poskytovatel e-mailu jej mohl zablokovat spamovým filtrem, takže se nezobrazí ve vaší poštovní schránce. Tento e-mail tedy jednoduše najdete ve spamové schránce. Pokud neobdržíte potvrzovací e-mail do 30 minut od nákupu, okamžitě nás kontaktujte.

Pokud objednávka dorazí poškozená, musíte okamžitě kontaktujte zákaznický servis. To zajišťujeme vaše peníze jsou okamžitě vráceny. Žádáme vás o to ihned nám pošlete fotky poškození, abychom mohli zjistit, zda je to způsobeno doručovacími službami. Pokud byste si produkt přáli, obratem zašleme nový. Pokud je objednávka po nějaké době poškozena, protože se ukázalo, že výrobek je vadný, vztahuje se na něj záruka a náklady na opravu uhradíme my, v případě výrobků s nízkou cenovou hodnotou zašleme i nový výrobek. Je důležité, abyste s námi dobře a jasně komunikovali.

Jakmile obdržíte kód Track&Trace, může trvat až 3 dny, než bude fungovat. Pokud kód nefunguje ani po třech dnech, kontaktujte zákaznický servis.

Zásady služeb a informace o společnosti


After you have received your order, you must notify us of any dissatisfaction within 14 days. After the notification, you will still have 74 days to return the product. Always contact us before returning the product. In rare cases, the product can be kept while the purchase will be fully refunded, which we base on our return costs KPI's. The costs of the return shipping are free if you have communicated your dissatisfaction within 14 days. After that, you still have 74 days to return it. The communication within 14 days after receipt is purely to protect us from those who want to freely use our products for 90 days and then to return it in a bad state they have caused themselves.

Jakmile produkt obdržíme nebo potvrdíme, že si produkt lze ponechat, máte 100% jistotu vrácení peněz do 30 dnů. V praxi to znamená, že poté, co obdržíme produkt, dostanete peníze na svůj bankovní účet během několika dnů, v závislosti na vaší bance a době zpracování atd.

Není vaše otázka uvedena? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat. Odpovídáme rychle a náš zákaznický servis je připraven vás podporovat 7 dní v týdnu.


Naše záruka:

   2 roky záruka
   Sledovací číslo pro každou objednávku
   Free shipping
   90 days to return
   Bezpečné platby přes PayPal®, iDEAL®,
        Bancontact®, Giropay®, Sofort®,
        Stripe®, Credit card & Klarna®
   24/7 asistence 


We offer deals on remaining inventory. Offer valid while supplies last. Sold out is sold out.
