Grip cap
GripCap bietet einen starken, zuverlässigen Halt, damit Ihre Perücke oder Spitze den...
Free shipping
GripCap bietet einen starken, zuverlässigen Halt, damit Ihre Perücke oder Spitze den ganzen Tag sicher an Ort und Stelle bleibt. Mit einem verstellbaren Riemen passt es sich bequem jeder Kopfgröße an und macht das Zuschneiden von Gleitbändern überflüssig. Das leichte, atmungsaktive Samtmaterial sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Kopfhaut frisch bleibt und die Kappe für ein natürliches, nahtloses Aussehen nahezu unsichtbar bleibt. Es ist wiederverwendbar und maschinenwaschbar, sodass Sie auf lange Sicht Geld sparen. Verabschieden Sie sich von unbequemen, dünnen Perückenkappen und genießen Sie täglich ein sicheres, müheloses Perücken-Trageerlebnis.
90 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie
90 Tage kostenlose Rücksendungen
1 x Griffkappe
Keine sichtbaren Streifen mehr: Genießen Sie ein sauberes, natürliches Aussehen, ohne dass Sie Slipbands abschneiden oder sich mit sichtbaren Streifen herumschlagen müssen.
Langlebig und kostengünstig: Unsere Perückenkappe ist auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt und übersteht regelmäßigen Gebrauch und Waschen, was sie zu einer intelligenten, langfristigen Investition macht.
Komfort ohne Kompromisse: Unsere leichte und verstellbare Perückenkappe bietet überragenden Komfort ohne das schwere, einengende Gefühl herkömmlicher Kappen.
Durchsichtige Spitze: Nahezu unsichtbare Spitze für einen makellosen, natürlichen Look, der sich nahtlos in Ihr Haar einfügt.
Samtiger Griff
Verstellbarer Riemen
Hält Ihre Perücke sicher an Ort und Stelle, ohne zu verrutschen.
Einstellbar für perfekte Passform:
Passen Sie die Passform individuell an, indem Sie den Riemen an Ihre Kopfgröße anpassen.
Positionieren Sie die Perückenkappe auf Ihrem Kopf und achten Sie darauf, dass die Spitze natürlich mit Ihrem Haaransatz übereinstimmt.
Genießen Sie einen nahtlosen, natürlichen Look, der den ganzen Tag an Ort und Stelle bleibt.
Grip cap
It does'nt work!!!
Grip cap
Ladies you will love this wig cap because it has the cut out for your ears which makes the cap fit very snug and tight once you adjust it
I was skeptical but I am sold on this wig cap. It doesn't feel like I have it on versus the typical stocking cap. Will be purchasing another one.
Payment options
We work together with: Stripe, Paypal, iDeal, Bancontact, Klarna, Giropay, Apple pay, Sofort and Credit cards. However, these payment options are not available in every region or device, you will always be presented with a custom-selected option that is valid in your specific region or device.
Yes, you can pay up to 30 days later with Klarna. Klarna takes the transaction completely into its own hands. They have a strict screening that determines whether a visitor is suitable for paying afterwards. So whether you have access to Klarna or not is beyond our control. If you are specifically unable to use the feature, Klarna will notify you. You can always pay immediately with other payment options. Frequent users of Klarna will always get approval.
Once you have a discount code, you can enter it in the discount code field when you start checkout. This field is therefore on the last page of the checkout process where you can make a choice between the different payment options. So you have to go through the process first to use the discount code.
After we have received your order, we will process it. First you will receive a confirmation email and after processing, you will receive a shipping email containing a Track & Trace code. You can click on this link to track the order. On our website there is a special, more detailed page, where you can enter your Track&Trace code and get clear information about where the package is in the shipping process. We refer to this page under every product page and the homepage. Here you can simply enter the code and you will receive the desired information.
You will always receive a confirmation email from us.Your email provider may have blocked it by the spam filter, so it won't show up in your mailbox. You will therefore simply find this email in the spam mailbox. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 30 minutes of purchase, please contact us immediately.
If the order arrives damaged, you must immediately contact customer service. We ensure that your money is immediately refunded. We do ask that you immediately send us photos of the damage, so that we can find out whether this is due to the delivery services. If you would like the product, we will immediately send a new one. If the order is damaged after some time because the product turned out to be defective, it is covered by warranty and we will pay for the repair costs, in cases of products with a low price value we will also send a new product. It is important that you communicate well and clearly with us.
Once you have received a Track&Trace code, it can take up to 3 days for it to work. If the code still does not work after three days, please contact customer service.
Service policies & Company info
After you have received your order, you must notify us of any dissatisfaction within 14 days. After the notification, you will still have 74 days to return the product. Always contact us before returning the product. In rare cases, the product can be kept while the purchase will be fully refunded, which we base on our return costs KPI's. The costs of the return shipping are free if you have communicated your dissatisfaction within 14 days. After that, you still have 74 days to return it. The communication within 14 days after receipt is purely to protect us from those who want to freely use our products for 90 days and then to return it in a bad state they have caused themselves.
After we have received the product or have confirmed that the product can be kept, you are 100% assured of a refund within 30 days. In practice, after we have received the product, you'll have a refund on your bank account within a few days, depending on your bank and the processing time, etcetera.
In practice, our customers receive their orders within 1 to 2 weeks on average. In rare cases, it takes longer. If you do not receive your order within six weeks, the order will be refunded within five days after the last day of that period.
Is your question not listed? Feel free to contact us. We respond quickly and our customerservice is ready to support you 7 days a week.
Our Guarantee:
2 year warranty
Tracking number for every order
Free shipping
90 days to return
Safe payments via PayPal®, iDEAL®,
Bancontact®, Giropay®, Sofort®,
Stripe®, Credit card & Klarna®
24/7 assistance
No hidden fees!
We offer deals on remaining inventory. Offer valid while supplies last. Sold out is sold out.
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0,00 €
GripCap bietet einen starken, zuverlässigen Halt, damit Ihre Perücke oder Spitze den...